Ready for Gold!
Working 1-on-1 over the next 4 months will help give you the most valuable & personalized nutrition advice to meet your goals.
Just as you would not not run a marathon without a specific training plan months ahead of the race, the foundations of nutrition have to be in place in order to meet personal goals. Enjoy the journey and reap the benefits at the end!
Please note: Sessions may vary based on individual goals but here is a step-by-step process of what you can expect on your way to the finish line!
Month 1
Step 1: Get Present. Get Connected & Clear (Initial Assessment)
During the Initial Assessment, I will take the time to get to know you! What are you struggling with? What are your personal goals? By building this foundation, I can get a clearer idea of the personal nutrition recommendations I can make for you. I will provide you with suggestions based on my nutrition analysis of your current intake and you can expect to set off with 2-3 goals!
Step 2 - Fuel up for Performance & Stay Fueled (Follow Up #1)
What we eat before a workout impacts how well you perform. Ever feel like you "hit the wall" or ran out of energy half way through a workout even though your heart wants to keep going? Increase the intensity and length of your workouts by learning what foods to eat to match your training schedule. Specific guidelines will be provided!
Month 2
Step 3 - Recover Well, Perform Better Tomorrow (Follow Up #2)
Post-workout nutrition is one of the most important times to eat for an athlete! What we eat depends on the type of workout we had, our goals and current training schedule. Learn about nutrient timing, specific hydration needs and receive personalized suggestions for your goals.
Step 4 - Meal Plan + Individualized Session (Follow Up #3)
Bringing it all together. Your complete meal plan (based on your current training schedule) will be provided and any further suggestions will be discussed. Additional time can be used to provide individual advice or questions. Unlike another diet, my meal plans serve as a guideline for what you can eat during the day and can be changed during upcoming sessions.
Month 3
Step 5 - I Believe in You! Almost at the Finish Line!
- Take the time to apply what you learnt! We will meet twice this month over phone-call or teleconference to help keep you accountable, feel supported and make sure you are performing your best!
- As well, I will lead you through an individualized grocery store tour specific to your nutrition goals. We will review how to read nutrition labels, pick produce, common nutrition myths and go through some quick and nutritious snack choices. You will leave with a personalized grocery list + feeling empowered!
Month 4
Step 6 - Plan to be YOUR BEST! (1 month before race day/ Follow Up #4)
Race Day Plan! Serious athletes train for the day and go in with a plan. We will discuss what to eat weeks before the race, possible carbohydrate loading, how to manage nutrition during the race and post-race nutrition advice! Advice will be in correlation with your training period.
Step 7 - Eating in the Off-Season (2 weeks post-race day/ (Follow Up #5)
Take what you learnt and apply it during off-season. From a training perspective, this is a time to get stronger and work on areas that can make us a better athlete. Let’s do the same with nutrition! Keep building that foundation and avoid starting from ground zero at the next training season.