5 Tips to Increase Muscle Mass

Looking to increase strength and muscle mass? Try these 5 tips before diving into supplements.

Tip #1: Increase intake.
Make sure you eat enough calories to allow your body to build muscle.

Tip #2: Have protein at each meal and snack.
Instead of focusing only on protein at the end of a workout or having a large protein source at one meal during the day (i.e. BBQ steak dinner), try spreading out protein so you have some at each meal and snack.

Tip #3: Decrease alcohol intake during recovery.
While a nice cold beer or refreshing drink after a workout can be nice, having alcohol with protein can decrease muscle gains. It's okay to do this once in a while but try not making it a reoccurring habit or choose to drink later in the day.

Tip #4 Have a bedtime snack with some protein.
This can help increase muscle gains during the night.

Tip #5 Aim for high quality proteins.
These types of proteins contain all essential amino acids (building blocks of protein). While animal based foods such as dairy and meat are high quality proteins, vegans can still get this type of protein by combining different protein containing foods at meals (i.e. beans and quinoa).

Where can you get protein?
I suggest getting protein from food first since most protein containing foods have the amino acids (including BCAAs) our body needs among other important nutrients. Examples include: meat, fish, eggs, yogurt, beans/lentils, tofu, milk & milk-alternatives (milk alternatives likes soy and pea milks have the highest protein).

Wanting some more guidance or individualized suggestions? Don’t hesitate to reach out!